I replaced my radiator years ago with a 26x19x3 Griffin cross-flow. That required cutting the opening to fit the larger core and it did gave me another much needed inch clearance between the dual 10” fan that is supposedly rated around 2350 cfm each and electric water pump, also I had to relocate the battery in the trunk because the radiator wanted to occupy that location now. I later discovered that in 40 degree weather, without the fans running, that I needed to put cardboard in front of the radiator to get-to and maintain operational temperate. Yep, I over-killed the cooling system, temp gauge acting like a yo-yo every time the thermostat opened and closed.
While I’m in the middle of putting my Falcon back together I decided that I need to scale back on radiator size this time around. I happen to have a Maverick V8 radiator to mock up and see what is needed to make this swap happen. The size of the Maverick radiator core is basically the same as the Falcon but 3.75 in. wider giving it almost 60 more cubic inch core surface.
The Maverick radiator bolt hole spacing is 20.50 in. and the opening in my radiator support after I cut it for the big radiator is now 20 in.. That gave me only 1/4 in. each side for the mounting bolts. I now knew what was needed to make this work.
A new Champion 2-roll aluminum radiator was purchase along with some aluminum flat stock to pop-rivet on each side of the radiator mounting flange to get things wide enough. I had to notch one of the mount around the battery tray bracket to get the fit. After shimming the radiator off the frame new bolt hole locations were marked and drilled in the support. I used 1/2 in. spacers to get radiator away from the support. I was happy to see the aftermarket radiator had its petcock in a better position than the factory location.