
Late Filler Neck Swap

One of the first thing I had to do when I got this car was replacing the gas tank. The 75-80 Granada 19 gallon tank was the only option at the time unless going with a used tank. This tank was also used on the 76-77 Maverick and Comet. Jump ahead a few years and now the correct 15 gallon tank is now reproduced. The reason swapping to a smaller tanks was the extra room for dual exhaust to exit from the back instead of behind the tires.

While in the middle of swapping the tank I notice the late model unleaded filler neck wasn't sliding into the tank as far as it did on the other tank and not permitting the neck from come close to the tail panel. Closer inspection reviled the tanks are made different. The neck bottoms out in the 15 gallon tank whereas the 19 gallon tank doesn't have a shelve to bottom out against.

To get the late model filler neck to fit deeper into the tank I cut off half inch off and notched to clear the vent tube.

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