
Fuse Block Relocation

Here is a quick rundown on how I relocated the fuse block to a more convenient location. First off play it safe and disconnect the battery. Now crawl under the dash and loosen the screw in the center of the fuse block. Once the screw is good and loose you can unplug the box from the firewall harness. On the back side of the block you will see a orange plug. Slide the orange plug out from the fuse box. Unwrap the tape from the harness until you pass the wire that loops back to the orange plug. No need to unwrap anymore tape. You can now tape up both harnesses leaving the 3 beam selector (dimmer switch) wires out of the harness.

I made a mount for the fuse box out of stuff I had laying around, I use a bracket that was intended to mount a 4x4 post to concrete slab. I cut the sides down with a cut-off wheel to get the bracket sitting closer to the floor. Then with the fuse box laying on top of the bracket I marked the bolt hole location. Notice this hole is not dead center of the bracket. I then tacked a nut on the back side of the bracket for the bolt that holds the fuse block to the metal bracket.

Two screw holes were also drilled for the screws holding the mount to the floor pan. I used the same screws that you see that holds a regulator or starter solenoid to the inner fender.

Screw the bracket to the floor pan and screw fuse block to mount. Plug the orange plug back into the firewall plug. Find a small bolt to fasten the orange plug back to the firewall plug.

The 3 wires going to dimmer switch might need to be lengthen a few inches to reach there location.

Reconnect the battery. Now you can change a blown fuse without having to crawl under the dash with a flashlight.

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